Friday, February 27, 2015

Lilli Pilli Jam

The Lilli Pilli in my orchard is fruiting, time to make jam.
This year the tree is bearing fruit over a long period, in prior years there has been only one flush of fruit and its over and done with.
More than enough fruit to make jam. The recipe I use is very simple, just fruit water to cover and the same weight of fruit to sugar. Some people add lemon and / or pectin I find it sets with out and prefer to have the pure flavour tone of this native fruit.
First remove the seed, not all fruit are fertilised, but all need to be broken open to check.
I weigh the fruit then just cover in water and bring to the boil, once the fruit is tender I add sugar (same weight as the fruit ) then boil until set. I do not like the set to be too firm, as apart from its use as jam, I also use this as a sauce on ice cream. The colour of the product is a beautiful pink red with violet highlights.

Max Dingle                                                                                        February 2015

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